Technology has transformed the way we find, connect with and grow our customers. As businesses and consumers increasingly move online, the barriers between you and your audience break down, and it becomes possible for companies to form more direct relationships with their clients. Leveraging PR way to establish relationships and trust with your customers will help you succeeding in this world. PR is how businesses establish trust with consumers. It’s basically a third-party endorsement. With traditional media now supplemented by social media and online content, good PR makes the connection with your customers a two-way street. Our team will take in charge all your needs, listen to you and provide you an original and authentic media campaign to introduce your product and services, increase your publicity and sales. Our creative teams can come up with some amazing content ideas and our content production department can bring everything to life.
Our team will take in charge all your needs, listen to you and provide you an original and authentic media campaign to introduce your product and services, increase your publicity and sales. Our creative teams can come up with some amazing content ideas and our content production department can bring everything to life.
Press Conference
Media Relations
Press Release
Media Interview
Social Media Campaign
Influencer Marketing
Carat Comms 是一家集策划,公关媒体活动策划公司。我们也是马来西亚第一家中文公关传媒公司。我们不仅拥有丰富的活动经验和专业的团队而且还拥丰富的媒体资源。我们服务的客户已遍布各行各业,与众多的客户公司也取得长期的合作关系。 服务项目: 活动策划 策划各类大型高端晚会,新闻发布会,产品推介礼,商业活动, 展览会, 时装表演,节日庆典等等。提供演艺节目, 模特, DJ, 网红,KOL与乐队经纪。 媒体 网络媒体,报纸媒体,新媒体,网红, blogger.
选美赛事 承办各类大型选美活动,如 2012年 亚州小姐竟赛(马来西亚赛区)选美赛制作, 2013 与2014 年国際潛水小姐(新加坡賽区)等等选美大赛. 2015与2016 年国際潛水小姐(香港賽区),2019环球华裔小姐(澳门赛区),2019 与 2024 全球联合选美盛典 世界总决赛 (迪拜).
形像与国际礼仪培训 除了活动策划服務,我们也提供西方礼仪與形像培訓課程,目標是 幫助个人與公司建立良好的个人與公司品牌與形象,加強社交能力來提升職場,客戶,社交圈的競爭力。課程內容包括西方或国際礼仪的社交礼仪,商业礼仪,餐桌礼仪,形像仪容的形像,行为语言,风度,言談,演講。
我们的形象培訓導考獲Colour Me Beautiful形象顾问文憑,曾擔任澳门銀河員工形象經理,拥有16年的形像與商业礼仪的培訓经驗,熟悉中西方礼。学习形象礼仪越早开始越好, “好的开始就是成功的一半”. 品牌, 是企业的生存与发展的灵魂。然而,要建立品牌,除了要从企业本身领先发起之外,善用活动策划为營銷渠道去开拓新客源,无疑也可提高品牌形像與銷售來达到事半功倍之效!
我们的优势 • 专业的赛事执行团队 • 丰富的媒体资源 • 经验丰富的拍摄团队 • 强大的包装推广能力 我们欢迎所有相关行业的公司,模特儿,DJ, 舞蹈团,加入成为我们的战略伙伴以达致互助与共赢。